Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Useful Resources for Brilliant Manufacturing, Operational & Industrial Intelligence Technology Enthusiasts!

Automation, Control & Plant Intelligence - Articles, Analysis, Reviews, Interviews & Views

Offering Great and Unique Opportunity to Promote Your Business
TR Cutler, Inc. and Automation Media Inc.
Enter Formal Strategic Alliance Partnership

Program Details

All content cross-promoted via PR and Twitter from both Manufacturing journalist, Thomas R. Cutler and
Ten (10) Weekly Case Studies

Ten (10) Part Blog Series (deep dive examination of a singular topic)

Custom Media Packages Available is industry's leading and popular technology web site and useful knowledge resources for industrial technology enthusiasts. Now Industry professionals are using the Internet more than any other source to find information like news, products, articles, application tools, technical resources, job opportunities, etc.

Most famous and influential Manufacturing journalist, Thomas R. Cutler , founder of the 7000-member Manufacturing Media Consortium, announced a formal strategic alliance with

This strategic alliance could make a big difference in sales by creating a climate of acceptability and to preparing the audience for your prodcuts/services so that potential customers/applicants will recognize your product/services when they enter the market place to shop. People have a range of attitudes to manufacturers, products and services; persuasive advertising by technical experts that reaches the right people with the right frequency can help to influence them by educting potential buyers. This alliance would help to maintain or increase share of voice and will prevent a competitor becoming the only one to advertise in the market, resulting what really matters is maximising your Return On Investment (ROI).

The fastest way to doubling your online ROI is by improving your conversion rate, and don't caught up overcomplicate online marketing efforts.

According to Naeem Ismat, publishing editor of, “The attention span of readers has changed dramatically over the past decade. Nearly three-fourths of our readers consume content on their phones; we have found an intensive, yet brief series of feature articles is most impactful. With TR Cutler’s expertise in cross-promotional PR and social media, this partnership with offer a unique value proposition.

Creating a more formal alliance will permit these media leaders to distribute and promote content via social media, cross-promotional public relations, and further establish as a leading industrial resource permitting a series of deep-dive, 10-part series.

Thomas R. Cutler
Thomas R. Cutler is the President and CEO of Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based, TR Cutler, Inc., the largest manufacturing communication firm worldwide with four dozen industry experts and thought leaders on staff. Cutler is celebrating the 20-year anniversary of the Manufacturing Media Consortium. Cutler has authored more than 7,000 articles for a wide range of manufacturing periodicals, industrial publications, and business journals. Cutler is the most published freelance industrial journalist worldwide, and more than 4200 industry leaders follow Cutler on Twitter daily at @ThomasRCutler.

AutomationMedia widely respected industrial media resource has enjoyed Cutler as a regular contributor for the past decade. According to Cutler, “Creating a more formal alliance will permit these media leaders to distribute and promote content via social media, cross-promotional public relations, and further establish as a leading industrial resource permitting a series of deep-dive, 10-part series.”

For more infomration about this Great and Unique Opportunity, contact us:

TR Cutler Inc. &
Phone: 954-682-6200

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