Thursday, January 16, 2025
Useful Resources for Brilliant Manufacturing, Operational & Industrial Intelligence Technology Enthusiasts!

Automation, Control & Plant Intelligence - Articles, Analysis, Reviews, Interviews & Views

Automation Media's Contributor

Rachel Snyder

Rachel Snyder is currently studying Mass Communications at Boston University. As a Generation Z individual herself, Snyder has a unique understanding of the role of social media among her peers; her analysis examines how it impacts the lives, decisions, and actions of fellow Gen Z thinkers. Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok are more than resources but rather the answer to reaching her generation. These insights are vital for businesses to inspire, motivate, and engage Gen Z job applicants and employees. Traditional PR, messaging, tradeshows, job boards will simply be ignored by Gen Z thinkers according to Snyder.

Speaking in the lexicon, vernacular, and information dissemination modalities needed to reach Gen Z, Snyder recognizes how many industrial leaders and Marcom professionals simply cannot grasp how to leverage the 20 hours per week the average Gen Z youth spends on TikTok. Snyder hopes to serve as a thought-leader and liaison to bridge the future workforce as Boomers age-out in favor of her generation. Snyder in the newest and youngest member of the 8000+ member Manufacturing Media Consortium. Snyder can be reached at

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